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Simplicity is the ultimate beauty

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Back after so long ..

Hey lovelies, it's been a while since my last post, and in that time much has happened. I'll say life have been treating me quite well. Apart from that, schools starting in April and this has turned into a murderous anxiety. They say good times never last. It's true. So I'm going to savor each and every moment left. But as for the time being, i'm merely concentrating on work so hard for the first time in my entire life to hit $xxxx urgently for my trip. I truly miss all the people around me. Gotta see y'all in a bit ! Thats all the catch up I have so far. xoxo !

Friday, March 5, 2010

Stop and Unwind.

I've been occupying myself with work. Apart from work and my random doings, I'm actually anticipating for my coming trip. A mix of anxiety and growing excitement. This trip totally arrives just when i need it. I'm about to burn out from all the torments that are leaving me helpless. I really deserve a break from everything. Hopefully all these could quickly come to an real end. I want my old life back ~

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I miss being a kid...

Love used to be such a simple feeling when we were kids. You don't think as much as adults do, nor fret over the most minute details. I find, thats what makes it so beautiful. Simple.