
My heart felt so much lighter and better now after having this hearty conversation. Talked about almost every things which came into our mind love, life, things happening around us and most importantly friendship that we are really afraid of losing. These really made us cleared all the doubts inside us. The biggest mistake of you are that you have been worrying too much all this while my dear no one will change and drift away from you maybe there will be some. Hahah you have to quit the habit of going into deep thoughts every little secs otherwise it will cause you to be in a devastated state. But, somehow I'm really amazed about our friendship all this while, it will definitely keep going so get rid of all the bad thoughts from your mind. Even though, I will meet some new people around me when time goes by, but I will never be those type who forgets about past friendship easily. Always be the best breastie in my lyfe from now till the end ! Always treated everything around us as a joke laughing at every little single things and didn't show the seriousness side of us ahaha making people feel really angry with us at times why are we always laughing non stop. Shall made a deal between us from now onwards you know what i mean bby. It was really fortunate to meet you in my lyfe, best gift ever. This post is really mushy after all !
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